Saturday, October 27, 2012

dusty box

I am starting to feel how it is like to be an university student..

Hectic, busy schedule. Meetings, assignments, practices, jobs which take a lot of my times.

Getting my ass back home at 10pm is the daily menu. Usually followed by the trip to the la-la-land right after my head touches the pillow. Repeating the same schedule the day after.

That is the reason why I left the blog unattended for a few months; just like a dusty old box which is abandoned by the owner just because he has some other new toys to play with.

I do not have a lot of stories to tell. Life has been wonderful lately. In short, I love my life as an university student. It is better than I expected.

Hope to renew my love life in the university hahahahas. ;)

Pray hard for me lol.

And oh, I just updated my playlist and this edition of 'G-Playlist' came across my mind.

G-Playlist: I'm in love edition (27/10/2012)

1. AJ Rafael - We Could Happen
2. Faber Drive - Candy Store
3. Carly Rae Jepsen - Beautiful (ft. Justin Bieber)
4. Michael Learns to Rock - Someday
5. The Click Five - Just the Girl
6. Matthew Sayerz - Bukalah Hati
7. Kim Jong Kook - Sarang Surowo

let's play with this dusty box, again..


Friday, August 17, 2012

dirgahayu dari dirimu


Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia!!

Alangkah baiknya jika di hari peringatan kemerdekaan yang ke 67 ini saya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan format Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan untuk menulis posting ini. 

Alah. Ga usah pake EYD deh. Susah. Udah lama ga sekolah.

Buat orang yang ga ngerti bahasa Indonesia yang kebeneran baca posting ini, Google Translate aja yah. Dunia sudah canggih.

Okeee jadi tepat di hari ini Indonesia udah merdeka selama 67 tahun dan tiba tiba seberkas pertanyaan terbersit di dalam pikiran gue ketika gue sedang bengong: Indonesia udah merdeka selama 67 taun, kenapa hati gue ga merdeka merdeka yah?

Yap, kalau menurut definisi yang simpel, merdeka itu bisa berarti bebas dari penjajah. Ga salah, cuman dangkal aja maknanya. Ada makna yang lebih mendalam di balik satu kata ini.

Melihat balik ke pertanyaan gue sebelumnya, ini semua berarti masih ada penjajah di hati gue. Harus diakui, hati gue sudah terjajah selama kurang lebih 5 tahun lamanya. Gue sendiri mendefinisikan hati gue terjajah kalau ada pendatang yang udah menetap lebih dari 2 bulan dan bertindak semena menanya. (definisi masing masing deh yah, males jelasin) Sebenernya si penjajah ini ga 5 tahun bener bener ngejajah soalnya banyak pendatang dan satu penjajah lainnya yang sempet menjajah gue. Mungkin aja si penjajah satu ini sembunyi di celah celah yang ga keliatan dan mulai menjajah lagi setelah melihat si penjajah baru tersebut pergi. Ga bisa aja liat orang merdeka.

Mungkin seperti inilah skenario yang terjadi:

Sebut saja di penjajah 5 taun penjajah M dan penjajah satunya sebagai penjajah N

Setting: Hutan di pegunungan terjal dengan banyak tebing tebing yang curam

prajurit penjajah M 1: komandan, sepertinya prajurit dari penjajah N sudah diusir dan menyerah!
komandan penjajah M : apa kamu yakin?
prajurit penjajah M 1: sangat yakin komandan!
prajurit penjajah M 2: komandan, apa sekarang saatnya kita keluar dari persembunyian kita?
prajurit penjajah M 1: dan kembali menjajah?
komandan penjajah M: hmmm..baiklah para prajurit. sekarang panggil kembali pasukan dan kita beraksi.
prajurit penjajah M 1 &2: siap komandan!!

*tidak lama kemudian batalyon udara, darat, dan lautan datang dan penjajahan dimulai kembali*

Begitulah ceritanya kira kira mengapa hati gue bisa terjajah kembali.

Jadi kenapa ga merdeka merdeka? 

Indonesia merdeka dengan memanfaatkan momen di perang dunia II saat Jepang kocar kacir karena Hiroshima dan Nagasaki luluh lantak kena bom atom. Saat Jepang kocar kacir, para pemuda mendesak Presiden Soekarno dan Wakil Presiden Mohammad Hatta untuk segera mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dengan cara mendapatkan kedaulatan utuh dan kemerdekaan yang diakui, Indonesia berhasil mengusir Jepang dari tanah air dan merdeka hingga sekarang yakni tahun ke 67.

Jadi intinya, gue harus menunggu momen yang tepat saat sang penjajah kocar kacir, mendeklarasikan kemerdekaan hati gue dan mendepaknya jauh jauh dari hidup gue. Setuju pemirsa? Yes. kedengerannya gampang. Faktanya, ini paling susah banget buat dilakuin. 


Karena hampir 97.87% dari kita lebih memilih untuk berbicara baik baik dengan sang penjajah dengan harapan bahwa sang penjajah akan terbuka hatinya untuk berpihak pada sang terjajah dan tetap tinggal di sana dengan status bukan sebagai penjajah tetapi sebagai warga negara dengan satu hati. Pilihan ini adalah sesuatu yang sangat sulit untuk dilakukan karena 80% penjajah malah akan balik menyakiti dan menganiaya dengan lebih keji daripada membuka hatinya. Hal inilah yang dapat membuat penjajahan tersebut semakin terlihat kejam.

Terkadang, sebagian dari diri kita juga sebagai pihak terjajah merasa nyaman dijajah, dan tidak ingin sang penjajah pergi, apalagi menjadi warga negara lain. (Hanya ada pada penjajahan hati. Kalau benar benar terjadi pada penjajahan nyata, dunia sudah gila.)

Buat gue sendiri, sepertinya kasus yang terakhir lebih cocok menggambarkan kehidupan gue. Bego sih emang keliatannya, tapi gue tau kalau gue ga sendirian yang lagi atau pernah ngerasa begini. BEGO UNITED!!

Jadi, kapan gue bisa dirgahayu dari dirimu??

Sepertinya gue lebih senang dijajah....


Thursday, August 16, 2012

august rush

August. For these five years, it has always been the most anticipated month of my year.

The reasons why:

  • Singapore's national day. No study at school and free holiday. (currently it does not matter any more)
  • Indonesia's independence day. During my time in Singapore, it was a free day off as long as you bring the excuse letter from embassy for attending the flag ceremony (I hope no teacher reading this). This is  also the very time when the nationalism is increased by 314.15278% so suddenly besides that 90 minutes when Indonesia's national team is facing Malaysia's national team in any soccer fixtures.
  • Grandma's and grandpa's birthday. They always hold a big feast for this.
  • Usually the end of any prelims exam before another prelims exam starts. CMIIW.
  • The crucial time in soccer transfer market. There will always be an interesting transfers during August. Yes, the latest big transfer is interesting yet heartbreaking. (FYI I'm an Arsenal fanboy as well) :'(
  • The launch of the new PES is usually at the end of August (if not in early September)
  • New season of soccer starts in August.
  • Perseid meteor shower (I do not even know what it is lol)
You can fill in your own reason why you like August as I like it.

Besides those reasons above, I also like August because a lot of my friends are having their birthday on August, ideally equals to more treats to come. :D There will always be a time, at least eight to ten times on average in which I have to spare my time to wish happy birthday weekly. (Except for this year, I do not know what demotivate me to wish my friends a very happy birthday -..- Sorry guys, won't happen anymore next year)

Yes, the number of my friends having birthday on August is too damn high. Some parents were having a good time on November then. If you know what I mean. #ignorethis

And the latest bash..


Soooo yesterday was Michelle's birthday. I will not explain who she is. Too much to explain you will get bored. In case your curiosity is that high, maybe you can talk to me in private. Contact me. Follow @gdleesatria #eh.

I see this bash as a hasty plan. How hasty? We just came up with this idea 13 hours before the execution. Thanks God it turned out good (I almost ruined the whole plan because I was late -___- sounds cliché?) Seems that these fellas are very good at this, I could just sit anywhere and watched it like a reality show.

Looks like kidnapping? Yes it is.
Kidnappers and kidnapee were never this happy before
Basically, the plan was only: Kidnap and bring her to Paris van Java in her pyjamas and embarrass her on the spot. Initially, I had no idea how to do it. But, I should say it again. These girls (and two guys) are very good at embarrassing people (this is a compliment) thanks God they do not know me so well.

Pictures speak thousand words. Here they are...
She was really noisy inside the car, so we have to do this.
She looks prettier like this, doesn't she? :p
The birthday cake. Looks familiar?
This damned parking lot was noisier than usual mornings.
"fake" candle blowing lol
On the parking ground of Paris Van Java, we sang her happy birthday, brought up the cake, she made wishes, blew the candle, and do the other normal things people do on their birthday. The birthday girl's appearance was the only abnormal thing here.

After the common rituals were done. We walked around Paris van Java showing off our birthday girl to the world and looking for people to do the questionnaires that the girls made lol. We ended up at Calais after walking 5.42 km (not that long but I'm quite sure that was close) around Paris van Java. Grand finale was held here. We launched the confetti. We made mess. We said goodbye to each other. It was a bit rushy since the birthday girl had her own plan with her family. Anyway it was fun. Wasn't it, Michelle?? ;)

Growing old is painful but at least put a smile on your face can? :)
and what are you doing right there missus?

Wishing happy birthday so many times won't make someone ages more quickly right?

So, happy birthday again Michelle. You did have a blast. :DD



Glücklich Chandrautama

I am not familiar with German, blame the internet if the title is inappropriate.

Sooo... this is the continuation of the last post about this guy called Lucky who were having his birthday.

Yes, this guy.
In this part 2, I will not write too much, so there will be more pictures available. Yea, a picture speaks a thousand words rite?

The main lead is stripping :3
Holy baptism
pleading guilty won't help you dude
Finally. Happily ever after ending.
Too much words sometimes will lead you to misinterpretation, so I better write something here.
After that ciwalk part, there was still birthday bash part 2. We planned to baptise the birthday boy with our-self-homemade love potion. Yes. Love potion.

Our amazing, well defined, fantastic, bombastic, mega super ever made by human being plan:
  1. Gideon, Pauline, Bije pretend to go home. Heizel, Sunson will take Lucky home.
  2. In fact, G,P,B go straight to L's house to prepare everything as fast as possible.
  3. H, S buying time and hold L as long as they could.
  4. When L reaches home, the bash will start immediately he won't have time to even realise that he is breathing.
  5. Bash ends.
  6. Blow candles.
  7. Camwhoring.
  8. Go home.
  9. Write this post.
Sounds like a good plan? I know it.

Reality speaks:
  1. Go-to-L's house is not as simple as it seems. The exact location is unknown since none of us has ever gone there before. It took a lot more time than it should be.
  2. Buying time plan went well. However, due to G, P, B's difficulty in finding L's house, the time bought was not enough. (H knew how to reach L's house)
  3. There was an unexpected small accident when H parked his car which delayed H and S. L arrived at his house alone aaaanddd we had to wait until the members were complete to start the bash. Worse came to worst, he realised that there will be another bash going on.
  4. So, we decided to make him strip his tee first (the tee that he wore was the gift that we made) so our love potion will not stain his tee.
  5. And, L's house is on the higher ground which obviously has lower temperature than the central area. The central area of Bandung is already cold at night. L stood topless outside his door waiting for the bash to start. Unfortunately, there was a lot of cold wind that night.
  6. Don't expect for more. This second round was quite screwed up already. Thanks God the rest of the plan went well. :)
A lot of gratitude for Lucky's parents who gave us permission to do the bash and supported us until the end.

Epilogue: The Truth.

Lucky if you were wondering why that brand new tee smelled like dog..
Lucky, if you are reading this post..
Lucky, you will know why in 3..2..1..

This was before you wore the tee :)
Anyway, I know you are happy with this.
We happy, you happy. We all happy.

It is almost two months, but I think it is not too late to say..


this last picture is dedicated for you, and us.

Happy Birthday Lucky!! :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

lucky strike

Today is a long long day, I spent most of today going around B city with my mom looking for my aunt's birthday gift. 

Bandung's traffic on Friday is hell. Especially in the early evening, when people are coming back from their work. Some of them are preparing to spend their weekends, not counting the visitors from other cities. On the bright side, I had lunch together with my mom and lil' sister again after dunno how long already. :)

And oh earlier I was a bit shocked for knowing that my university entry test results will be announced today. I thought it was on Sunday and really, I had not prepared my heart as well as another university to enter in case I was rejected. It was a morning shock, really.

Anyway it turned out good becauseeee...


happy ending ritee?
It was kinda unexpected though. My preparation was not maximum. While the other candidates were busy with their tuition to prepare for this test, I was busy working and hanging around with my friends. When the others had their good night sleep the night before the test, I went for a birthday bash, just arrived home at 2 in the morning, slept at 230 in the morning. Mission impossibru for me to be accepted to my first choice, don't you think so?

Thanks God miracle did happen today. I was at the gym when this announcement was up, and my stewwwpidd blackberry was out of battery at the wrong time (as always). I was wondering what the result will be while I was working out. After working out, I charged my phone in my car and I received some bbm, one of them is from Bijey said that I was accepted to SBM ITB, and I was driving home in disbelief. At home, I rushed to Christie (my laptop) and double-checking whether it was real. The answer is yes. One thing that I regret: I was not the first one to see this announcement (the excitement is decreased by 105.675%, agree?) 

I want to thank God for this. Millions of thanks will never be enough, but still, I want to express my gratitude. If it's not God's will and plan, it was a mission almost impossibru for me to pass this test. Moreover, I was accepted to my first choice. Again, THANKS GOD FOR THIS!! THANKS JESUS!! 

sneak peek for the part 2 of the last post:

It will be up as soon as I get the photos from the photographer.

tomorrow will be another long day, and could be the last time seeing Pauline before she flies to
 Melbourne. :(

havetorestnow, ciao!


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag (1)

Guten Abend!!

It has been more than a week since my last post. Busy life eh? Not really. At least after last week ended.

All those tapings for radio broadcasting exam were done, thanks God. Say goodbye for now to those damned mixer and microphone.

On the side note, a lot of things happened last week. Long story to tell.

Anyway, as I told you in my last post, me & my friends bashed another birthday guy last week.

For you guys, close friends of mine, should know who it is only from this sneak peek.


For those who still do not have any idea who he is, here we go...

As usual, brief information, this lucky??? guy is called Lucky for a reason, he is lucky?? for being Lucky. *thehelliwrote* Anyway, this guy is called Lucky. Suspected for having double persona; one side is a cool-GUY-with-leghair-all-over-his-leg-which-we-suspect-that-he-had had-the leghair-since-he-was-a-little-baby. His other side is a cool-GAY-who-can-touch-guys-and-molest-them-out-of-the-blue-and-on-the-worst-case-he-can-kiss-the-victim-furiously. Ok the furious part is not true enough. Anyway, he is our friend who is very patient, multi-talented, very berry good bass player, funny, hard-working, and will go to Germany to pursue his further study at the end of this year. WOOHOOO!!

The planned bash started from spilling something which can make him changes his tee to the one that we had prepared for him. At first, we wanted to use milk tea and spill it all over his body, lucky for him (there's a reason why his name is Lucky, rite?), we could not find any milk tea there, in the shopping mall we went to. So, we changed it to that-slimy-sticky-very-berry-sweet-drink-which-can-cause-diabetes-for-those-whoever-finish-the-drink. It started awkward, but after the drink is spilled all over his tee, we could control the situation and we sang happy birthday for him in public.

Touch me coz today is my FURRY BIRTHDAY ;)

This pink tee was prepared by us. We planned to embarrass him in public by 'forcing' him to wear something that will attract people's attention. However, this tee is too cool to embarrass him in public. At first, we planned to prepare a maxi dress or short skirts and cropped tee for him. Well, we still have a bit of humanity, so we cancelled those plans and go with this. This shirt was designed by the birthday girl in my last posts. (fyi, she is the little sister of a fashion designer-going-to-be)

blurry :( taken by random mas mas

After we were satisfied to 'embarrass' him in public, we went to Pizza Hut for our dinner; which is, of course,  the birthday boy treats. :D 

We feel that the embarrassment that he felt is not enough. After we finished with our dinner, we walked to one spot in the shopping mall and decided to carry him like a 'sisingaan'-some kind of Indonesian traditional show, usually it is done to carry a circumcised boy-around the mall. 

he looks happy anyway

Too bad, no one was strong enough to carry him around the mall, so we only carried him for a few steps and , again, sang him happy birthday in public. This was quite a success, a lot of people stared at us him with confused look on their faces.

Then we proceed to watch a movie and one stupidity happened. This birthday boy left the box of condom I gave him as a gift in the cinema. I wonder what the cleaners thought when they found that gift. 

We said goodbye to each other and parted ways after the movie..but it was not the end of that night..

to be continued..


Monday, June 25, 2012

ain't no superman

Feverish, leg injury, slight flu.

Think that's enough to describe how shattered I am, laying on my bed. Thanks God no heartbreak involved.
Yesterday had been soooooo tiring from church in the morning and 4hours futsal plus England vs. Italy match at late night.
Nevertheless, Italy won and proceed to the semis. WOOOHOOOOO!! Thanks God for Buffon and Pirlo.
Anyway, I have to catchup with my sleep since I have to prepare for another taping on Wednesday and another bash soon. VERY SOON.



Saturday, June 23, 2012

song surgery

There are trillions of songs which each of us listens to, everytime, everywhere.

Sometimes, we think that the songs are too philosophical so that we cannot enjoy the songs much since there are some parts of the song in which are too confusing for us to infer.

Sooooooo, I'm here trying to help you by giving my perspective about some songs and give you more perspective to see through the whole song.

I will call this section Song Surgery: Read between the Lyrics. Doesn't make sense? No problem. I just need the name. I don't need the sense.

Anyway, this name is inspired by my one of my juniors in Innova Junior College who wrote 'Bedah Rumah' as 'House Surgery' during his General Paper End of Year Examination. (Tub, if you read this, thanks so much, you are my inspiration; at least for coming up with this name)

And oh, just remember this is only one's perspective. No intentions to harm or offend any parties. No party is benefited from this and no song is harmed during the process of the surgery.

And remember that this is JUST FOR FUN.

Anywayyy, let's perform this very first surgery.

And, the first victim isssssss *drums roll*


Title: Payphone
Artist: Maroon 5
Album: Overexposed (2012)
Seriousness level: joking

For you who doesn't know this song, you need a serious song therapy. Better turn on your radio now and listen to any appropriate radio stations or buy the track via iTunes. (I cannot support piracy here, can I?)

Let's just begin..

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
(my cellphone run out of batteries)
All of my change I spent on you
(it's okay, i'm so f**king rich I don't need coins)
Where have the times gone
(though, my watch is stolen)
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?
(i know you didn't study for your test, so is our date still on?)

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
(I know you have an alzheimer)
The people we used to be
(you were so f**king fat, I was so f**king ugly)
It's even harder to picture
(I do not have any talent in fine arts)
That you're not here next to me
(so you leave only because of that)
You say it's too late to make it
(but it is never too late to learn drawing)
But is it too late to try?
(no, i want to learn how to draw first)
And in our time that you wasted
(that's why I want to learn to draw)
All of our bridges burned down
(you were so angry you burn it down, weren't you?)

I've wasted my nights
(i tried to practice drawing)
You turned out the lights
(you said save the electricity)
Now I'm paralyzed
(but then I was electrocuted)
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
(I just can't move on)
But even the sun sets in paradise
(so is it night now in there?)

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
(now my card run out of balance)
All of my change I spent on you
(so that my wallet is lighter)
Where have the times gone
(again, my watch got stolen)
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?
(I understand the test is difficult, how about a date?)

If happy ever after did exist
(it didn't?)
I would still be holding you like this
(I know I'm a little possessive)
All those fairytales are full of sh*t
(don't bring you story book to the toilet)
One more stupid love song I'll be sick
(it's a virus!! like a flu!!)

You turned your back on tomorrow
(turn again, you will see today)
Cause you forgot yesterday
(I know that alzheimer is difficult to cure)
I gave you my love to borrow
(just don't forget to give it back)
But just gave it away
(you're just not responsible)
You can't expect me to be fine
(yes, with your alzheimer)
I don't expect you to care
(better get rid of your alzheimer first)
I know I've said it before
(In case you forget it, oooppsss)
But all of our bridges burned down
(but stop burning that f**king things)

I've wasted my nights
(I could do something more important)
You turned out the lights
(oh, it was earth hour?)
Now I'm paralyzed
(i was electrocuted again)
Still stuck in that time when we called it love
(i think faceless void uses his ulti on me)
But even the sun sets in paradise
(and balanar uses his ulti now)

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
(now the signal coverage is bad)
All of my change I spent on you
(i spend all my notes buying new watch, new cellphone, and top up the balance)
Where have the times gone
(again, my watch got stolen)
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?
(you tried hard enough, so..time to go for a date?)

If happy ever after did exist
(ok I understand now. It didn't)
I would still be holding you like this
(just don't go)
All those fairytales are full of sh*t
(i know you're talking about twilight series here)
One more stupid love song I'll be sick
(cannot bear with it, go to doctor) 

Now I'm at a payphone...
(i'm just getting used to it)

Reminder, it was only JUST FOR FUN. I'm a big fan of this song as well.

Anyway, France vs Spain is starting soon. So, I have to stop here.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité,


Friday, June 22, 2012

one and only

Choose one among six or choose one among two. Which one is more difficult? 

Personally, I think choosing one among two is more difficult. Since those two are the best two options that you have. Obviously it is so hard to let one of your best go in order to get a grip of one of those. In short, you will have to face a dilemma.

Well, I have been in this situation lately. I have to choose one among two and I still do not know which one to choose. I obviously want one of them so bad, it's unargueable. While on the other side, it is still not clear whether I want the other one; but day by day I start to feel a strange force that keeps me close to this other one. Well..

I hope time will help me to choose the one and only.

Greece vs Germany is almost started, I better stop here.

wise words for galau-ers out there
Cheers for the Lahm and co. tonight!!



I've been in this roller coaster mood swings for these past few days. I could be so upset because of small insignificant matters, be normal in few minutes later, and incredibly happy because of small insignificant matters as well (e.g. red blinking bb LED). I guess it's because of the galau-ness inside and these tight schedules which seem to have no end. Those people interacting with me, I advise you people to be careful and read the situation well or else you will release the kraken. LOL. (I know that I seem like a girl in her PMS period. Oh well. -.-)

Anyway, me and my friends had been gone to Sierra two nights ago to eat some dinner. The chillness and the mood there was good enough to reduce the stress the city life constantly gives to me. Well, it was a good choice. Thanks Heizel for choosing that place for dinner.

No picture = hoax, I know, so here are some pictures.. 


+ 3 = 6

the princess and her bodyguards

bring the boys out

feel like doing some bungee jumping. anyone?

And, oh, G-squared Playlist for this week (22/06/2012) : 
1. Alex Goot - Breathless
2. Vertical Horizon - Best I Ever Had
3. N'Sync - For The Girl Who Has Everything
4. Linkin Park - I'll be Gone
5. Adele - One and Only

I hope that this galau-ness inside me will find a good solution soon and let this ride ends. For all of you as well.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

trick or treat

Yahooooo, had been busy for these 2 weeks. If you're asking me what I had been doing, this was one of those.

ta - daaaaaaa
If you think that I made that cake, congrats for being fooled. I'm not that free (and skillful) to make that stuff. If you're wondering what it is actually, it's someone's birthday cake.
If you're wondering who's that someone, keep scrolling until the end of this post. ;)
If you're wondering what I had been doing if I did not make that delicious bastard, this is it..

This is the 'someone' you're looking for
If you don't know who she is. Just to let you know this girl is called as Pauline and she has a lot of nicknames   such as miss popular, miss dongdong, miss HRP, miss Powerful Impact, and such (at least I call her like that). Brief information only; she is a smart girl, best in cohort for three consecutive years during JHS, JHS students' council ex-president, asean scholars, 9 points for 'O' Lvl, ACJC graduate, AAB-A for 'A' Lvl (not very sure for this one, cmiiw), and Melbourne University's Bachelor of Commerce student-going-to-be. On the other hand there is something inside her head, I-don't-know-what, that makes her a bit slow. However, she is popular among boys and a well-known heartbreaker.  

Anyway, we planned a memorable birthday bash for her. Due to her chronic spectrophobia, we planned to scare her on her birthday night and it was a great success :D. 

First stage, we gathered in her house to watch movie together. It was a horror movie of course. As expected, she scared to death, she did not even finish her meal though she said that she was hungry. We are not good friends, we know. After the movie finished, we said that we were going home but actually the party had just begin. This photo is taken before we 'went home'.

After applying a little make up and final briefing. We walked back to her house. With some help from our people inside her house, we broke into her house successfully and set up the stations for the horror games. As expected, she was bloody scared, repeatedly ranted and swore, insisted to stop the game. Thanks God, the game was successfully ended with no one getting injured but this masked guy who got slapped by the birthday girl HAHAHAHA.


The game ended at about 1 am. After some proper birthday congratulations, camwhoring, and wash-ups. We rushed to go home, especially me since I had some university entry tests in the morning. *le sigh*. Thanks God it was manageable.

3 days after the party, the birthday girl decided to invite all of us who were involved in the bash for a treat and this is what she got for us.

It was some 3 hours (not really) crazy karaoke session which made me sounded like an optimus-prime-who-catches-a-flu-and-swallows-a-whistle in the end. I remember that I haven't said thanks to her for the treat, so in this opportunity I want to say thanks to you miss dongdong. :)

It is a bit too late since it was a week ago but happy (belated) birthday for you. For those who haven't wished her happy birthday, you better do it soon before she turns into a she-hulk. ;)

And I dedicate this last picture for the birthday girl, cheers!! ;)

Love and peace,


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

tuesday blue

Heyhoo, happy(?) Tuesday for all of you.

Today I will introduce you to this G-squared playlist.
G-squared comes from my name which starts with G and another G comes from Galau (cheesy I know -___-)

For galau souls out there, I hope these songs are good enough to accompany your galau night.

G-squared Playlist #1
(Tuesday, June 5 2012)

1. FM static - Tonight
2. 98 Degrees - Why (Are We Still Friends)
3. Sia - Breathe Me
4. The Script - Talk You Down
5. Sara Bareilles - Between The Lines
6. Glen Hansard & Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly
7. Bon Iver- I Can't Make You Love Me
8. Emiko Shiratori - Melodies of Life
9  N'Sync - I Drive Myself Crazy
10. David Choi - That Girl

Happy galau-ing, let the heart break tonight!!

Cheers ;)